WhatsApp users will have fun! The most amazing feature is going to come in the app, now you will be able to find your favorite chat easily.

WhatsApp यूजर्सकी होगी मौज! एप में आने वाला है अबतक का सबसे धांसू फीचर, अब आ सानी से ढूंढ पाएंगे पसंदीदा चैट

Technical News Office – WhatsApp keeps bringing new features from time to time to improve user experience. The company is now introducing a new gallery interface for sending photos and videos. This will make sending photos and videos much easier and will also save time. This interface works exactly like the gallery interface found in Snapchat.

Do you know how the new interface will work?
Indeed, with the new gallery interface, when you click on the camera icon in a chat, the photo gallery will open directly. Where you can choose any photo or video as per your requirement and also write the caption. Along with this, there is also an option to select the “HD” function in the interface to send photos in high quality. The company is now offering it to Android users.

Custom chat filter feature will be available for web users
Moreover, after Android and iOS, WhatsApp is now preparing great features for web users as well. The company now offers a personalized chat filter feature for users. With this feature, users will be able to easily filter their chats. To do this, you need to go to the “3-point menu” and press “+ New list”, enter the name of the list and add people to it. This will make it easier for users who have more discussions to find the required discussions.

WhatsApp launches new ‘Status Reminder’ feature
Recently, WhatsApp launched the new “Status Reminder” feature. This will send reminders for status updates that the user hasn’t seen. This feature is especially useful for those who have a lot of contacts.

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