Mobile press office – The Black Friday sale on Flipkart is over, while the sale on Amazon will continue until December 2. Meanwhile, Black Friday sales are also happening on Vijay Sales, but today is its last day, but also on the last day, the platform is offering exciting deals on the Apple iPhone 16. , launched at a price of Rs 79,900, is currently available on sale at a price of Rs 74,990. This offer is without any bank offer, but with the bank offer you can save up to Rs 10,000 additional information on the phone. As a result, a total discount of Rs 15,000 is given on the phone. Let us know about this offer…
iPhone 16 discount offer
Customers using ICICI Bank or SBI Bank cards can save up to Rs 5,000 on the phone, taking the price to Rs 69,990. At the same time, with the IDFC First Bank credit card, you will get ‘a direct discount of Rs 10,000. Additionally, customers who trade in their old iPhone 13 can get an exchange value of up to Rs 20,000, along with an additional bonus of Rs 3,000, further bringing the price down to Rs 51,000.
iPhone 16 specifications
The iPhone 16 has a number of upgrades that make it a great choice for those looking to improve their smartphone experience. It features a powerful A18 chip, designed to deliver faster performance and better power efficiency. This makes it perfect for gaming, multitasking, and running high-performance apps, while offering better battery life than the previous model.
iPhone 16 camera features
For photography enthusiasts, iPhone 16 features a 48MP Fusion camera system, which includes an enhanced 2x telephoto lens for zoomed shots and an ultra-wide lens for capturing expansive landscapes and landscapes. macro details. With new camera control buttons, users can easily adjust settings for professional-quality photos and videos. The device has a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR OLED display.
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