Mobile press office – iQOO 13 was recently officially launched in India at a starting price of Rs 54,999. It is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite chip and the company claims that it is the fastest device ever in the country, but is it true? The release of the iQOO 13 follows the launch of the Realme GT 7 Pro, which was the first smartphone to offer the same processor. Apart from the chipset, the two devices offer different specifications and target different price segments. Additionally, these phones are now some of the most powerful devices available in India, but which device should you buy? Let us know about the comparison…
iQOO 13 vs Realme GT 7 Pro: how much do both cost?
Before knowing the specifications and features of the two phones, let’s understand the price difference… The iQOO 13 launch price is Rs 54,999 for the 12GB RAM and 256GB storage model, while the 16 variant GB of RAM and 512 GB of storage is priced at Rs 59,999. Additionally, the company is offering Rs 3,000 off on SBI and HDFC bank cards, taking the prices to Rs 51,999 and Rs 56,999.
iQOO 13 vs. Realme GT 7 Pro
Realme GT 7 Pro, on the other hand, is available at Rs 59,999 for the 12 GB RAM and 256 GB storage version and at Rs 65,999 for the 16 GB RAM and 512 GB storage variant. This phone is also available under the launch offer for Rs 56,999, while the price of the 16GB RAM and 512GB storage variant is Rs 62,999. The iQOO 13 features the same chipset as the Realme GT 7 Pro, but costs less, making it the cheapest flagship phone with a Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC to date.
iQOO 13 vs Realme GT 7 Pro: Specifications
iQOO 13 vs. Realme GT 7 Pro
iQOO 13 looks a lot like iQOO 12. The rear camera module is now different with a customizable “Energy Halo” LED that supports six dynamic effects and 12 color combinations. The device also comes in new colors and has a glass back. The overall appearance of the device is premium. While Realme GT 7 Pro has a sleek glass back and a slim profile. It was launched in two colors Mars Orange and Galaxy Grey. It has a square-shaped camera module on the back, which has three sensors and an LED light.
Talking about the screen, iQOO 13 has a 6.82-inch AMOLED display with 4,500 nits brightness. It sets a new benchmark as the world’s first Ultra Eyecare Q10 2K 144Hz display. However, both phones come with an IP69 rating, which means that even if you submerge them in water, nothing will happen to them. The Realme GT 7 Pro features a 6.78-inch OLED Plus display with a resolution of 2780×1264 and a refresh rate of 120Hz. It also offers a series of customizable modes such as adaptive tone, comfort of eyes and screen color mode, allowing you to personalize your viewing experience to suit your needs.
Both flagship devices feature Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, built on a 3nm process. If you like gaming, both of these devices can give you top-level performance. Apart from that, both come with the latest Android 15 software.
The iQOO 13 is equipped with a triple-camera system that houses a 50-megapixel Sony IMX921 primary sensor, a 50-megapixel telephoto lens, and a 50-megapixel ultra-wide lens. The front camera is a 32-megapixel selfie camera. It also features the NICE 2.0 algorithm for multifocal portraits, better night images, and an improved street photography camera. It also has AI features like AI Erase. On the other hand, the Realme GT 7 Pro also has a triple camera system, which includes a 50-megapixel main camera (Sony IMX906), a 50-megapixel telephoto lens (Sony IMX882). and an 8-megapixel ultra-wide camera (Sony IMX355) is included. On the front, there is a 16-megapixel front camera for taking selfies and participating in video calls.
The iQOO 13 is equipped with a massive 6,000mAh battery, which is said to charge from 1 to 100 in just 30 minutes via the bundled 120W fast charger. Meanwhile, the GT 7 Pro has a 5,800mAh battery and also supports 120W fast charging, which would charge the phone from 0 to 100 in around 30 minutes.
iQOO 13 vs Realme GT 7 Pro: which one to buy?
The iQOO 13 can take slightly better photos than the Realme GT 7 Pro. iQOO seems to be ahead in almost every category. It has a larger screen, better camera lens, and bigger battery than the Realme GT 7 Pro. In terms of price, iQOO is the clear winner.