Alarm bells are ringing for Mozilla Firefox users! Hackers can easily steal your data, these software are affected

Technical News Office –India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued a warning for Mozilla Firefox users. In its latest notice intended for Internet users, CERT-In mentioned several vulnerabilities in the Mozilla Firefox web browser. Along with this, the government agency has asked users to take steps as soon as possible to protect their devices. Mentioned in this review. It states that hackers can take advantage of these flaws and steal important user data. Advisory note CIVN-2024-0317 issued by CERT-In also describes vulnerabilities in other Mozilla products such as Firefox, Firefox ESR and Thunderbird.

These vulnerabilities are found in Mozilla Firefox version 131 and earlier, Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) version 128.3 and earlier, version 115.16, and Thunderbird version 128.3 and earlier. What software is affected? CERT-In said in its advisory that these flaws were found in Mozilla products, mobile and personal computers. We publish here the list of all software in which these flaws have been found.

Mozilla Firefox: version 131 or earlier
Mozilla Firefox ESR: version 128.3 and version 115.16 and earlier
Mozilla Thunderbird: version 128.3 and version 131 and earlier

According to this advisory, attackers can easily commit fraud by taking advantage of these vulnerabilities present in Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. Hackers can bypass security features and process content through site isolation. Additionally, hackers can hide the true nature of the file being downloaded and change its name, as well as modify the file and replace it with a virus.

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