Be careful These habits are nothing less than a slow poison for your smartphone, they will gradually turn your phone into a box.

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Technical News Office – Even a small mistake while using a smartphone can damage the phone. If you also want the phone to continue working smoothly for years, you should not be careless while using the mobile. A small mistake will act like a slow poison and gradually damage the phone. Some habits gradually act like poison for our smartphone, these habits not only slow down the performance of your phone but also reduce its lifespan.

Mobile Mistakes: Avoid These Mistakes
Complete discharge:
Many people charge their phone when its battery is completely discharged. But due to your mistake, the battery life is reduced. If this happens, the battery may need to be replaced.

Phone overheating: If the temperature of the phone increases, we should find out what is the reason for the increase in temperature in the phone? If not detected at the right time, the phone may explode due to overheating.

charge the phone frequently: Do you have the habit of repeatedly charging your phone even when its battery is slightly low? So change this habit now, otherwise your mistake will affect your battery and may even explode.

Installing too many apps: If you also have a habit of installing too many apps, change this habit over time. Otherwise, your phone will be completely full, which will slow down the speed of your handset.

Keeping the phone dirty: If you don’t take care of your phone the same way you take care of yourself, the phone will get damaged, which can also harm you. Keep the phone away from dust and dirt, otherwise the phone’s screen and ports may be damaged. By following these tips, you can increase the lifespan of your phone.

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