Technical News Office,The wedding season has started. Relatives, friends or acquaintances sitting far away send wedding invitations via WhatsApp. Nowadays, there is a big craze for digital wedding cards through which people invite each other to a wedding or other events through WhatsApp. This is the reason why inviting people to marriage via WhatsApp has also become a trend these days. In such a situation, how can fraudsters or scammers stay put? Yes, when it comes to a digital trend, cyber crooks are the first to come forward to take advantage of it. Just like the trend of invitation cards continues on WhatsApp, similarly, scammers are sending digital wedding cards to innocent people. people cheat. Fraudsters send wedding cards to WhatsApp users and then attempt to commit cyber fraud on them.
Cheated of Thousands of Rupees in Wedding Card Scam
Scammers deceive innocent people. Users are getting scammed by sending wedding cards on WhatsApp. Many different types of cyber fraud cases are seen. To avoid wedding card scams in the market, you need to avoid making 3 mistakes. Tell us what these 3 errors are?
1. Don’t answer unknown numbers – Do you also answer unknown numbers? If yes, then don’t make such a mistake at all. If a message comes in on WhatsApp from a number you don’t know the user, don’t reply to their message. Neither respond to this message.
2. Be careful before opening Wedding Card – Nowadays scammers have become smarter than you and they send an APK file to your phone, which they name Wedding Card, which you open without checking the number nor pay attention to it. may try to steal your personal information. They may also try to drain your bank account.
3. Don’t make the mistake of clicking on the link – Usually a video is sent for wedding invitations. However, people are inviting people by sending wedding cards in new ways. If a wedding card is sent to you by sending a link, be a little careful before opening it. Do not click on the wedding invitation link from an unknown number.
Do These Things First in Case of Cyber Fraud
If cyber fraud happens to you or someone you know, do not waste time and immediately file a complaint with the cyber police. In case of online fraud, one should immediately contact National Cyber Helpline number 1930. Apart from this, you can also visit the official cybercrime website.
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