Do not answer calls from these numbers even by mistakeonline fraudNowadays, many incidents related to online fraud are coming to light.
phone callsScammers trick people through phone calls and text messages.
digital arrestThis includes many methods such as digital arrest, which are used by thugs.
fraud numbersFor this reason, the government has advised not to answer calls from certain numbers.
POINTThe Ministry of Telecommunications has asked people to stop and think before answering calls from +77, +89, +85, +86, +84.
communication partnerThe DOT said that if any calls come from these numbers, report them with the help of Chakshu on the official website of Sanchar Saathi and block these numbers immediately.
you will be robbedOtherwise, you risk falling victim to online fraud and losing your hard-earned money.
eye portalThe government launched this portal only a few months ago. From this portal, users can report fraudulent calls originating from their phone.
blacklistAfter reporting, the government blacklists this number.