Fast charger is slowly ruining your phone, know its pros and cons in detail here

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Technical News Office – We all use smartphones and over time the use of phones and technology has changed. Fast charging phones have become people’s choice. At the same time, fast charger has become a necessity for some users. A charger that charges the phone up to 100% in a few minutes is called time saving. However, do you know that it also damages your phone? Otherwise, let us tell you that due to fast charger, phones get damaged quickly and many types of faults are seen in them. Let us know the disadvantages of fast charger and ways to avoid them.

It’s okay to wait for hours…
With the changes in the world of technology, the fast charging method has also appeared. As a result, hours are not wasted and the phone charges quickly within minutes. However, this method is not good for the phone battery. Fast charging can damage any device, whether it’s a phone, tablet, or laptop. This affects the battery life of the device.

3 disadvantages of the phone due to fast charging
1. Effect on Battery Life – It is important to select the right charger to charge the phone. If you choose a fast charging charger, it affects the battery life of the phone. Fast charging causes the phone to heat up and has a negative impact on its battery.

2. Effect on battery cycle – Fast charger affects phone battery cycle. Due to this, the phone’s battery health deteriorates and charging starts to complete quickly. Generally, the total number of cycles of a battery without fast charging is 50,000, that is, charge and discharge 50,000 times, then the cycle of a battery with fast charging may be less than that .

3. Risk of explosion – The biggest downside to fast battery charging is that it heats up quickly. In such a situation, the phone may overheat and explode. A phone charged with a fast charger can explode. There may also be a risk of fire. However, this can also happen due to carelessness during loading.

How to Avoid Fast Charger Damage
Use the original charging adapter and cable.
Avoid overcharging, remove the phone from the charger before it is 99% charged.
Use only the telephone company’s adapter and cable.
If the phone becomes hot while charging, unplug it immediately.
Do not use a fast charger for a long time to charge the phone.

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