mobile press office,The Honor X9c was launched in Malaysia on Tuesday. One of the key features of the smartphone is its 6,600 mAh battery which, according to the company’s claim, can provide 25.8 hours of video playback or around 48 hours of music playback on a full charge. Apart from this, Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC is available in the smartphone. The phone is designed to resist water, dust and even drops. The company claims that the smartphone can survive even after a fall of 2 meters. Honor X9c has a 108 MP main rear camera.
Honor X9c price, availability
Honor X9c has been launched in Malaysia in two RAM and storage configurations. The base 12GB + 256GB variant is priced at MYR 1,499 (approximately Rs. 28,700), while the 12GB + 512GB variant is priced at MYR 1,699 (approximately Rs. 32,500). At the same time, the company has also listed the smartphone in 8GB + 256GB configuration on the global website. However, its price has not yet been revealed. The Honor smartphone has been introduced in Titanium Purple, Jade Cyan and Titanium Black color options. It is available for pre-order from an online retail store in Singapore.
Honor X9c specifications
The Honor with a brightness of 4,000 nits. The company has also provided an eye protection feature, which claims to protect the eyes from blue light. The phone runs on the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset, paired with up to 12GB of RAM and up to 512GB of Honor sensor and includes a 5-megapixel wide-angle lens. The phone has a 16-megapixel front sensor for selfies and video calls. The Honor . Honor claims that the handset has been designed to withstand drops of up to 2 meters. It features an IP65M dust rating and 360-degree water resistance.
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