If you also forget to plan trips and parties then this feature of WhatsApp will remind you, do you know how to use it?

अगर अप भी ट्रेवल और पार्टी प्लान बनाकर जाते है भूल तो WhatsApp का ये फीचर दिलाएगा याद, जानिए कैसे करे इस Et alors ?

Technical News Office – WhatsApp is a popular messaging platform. It is used by millions of users all over the world. The company often keeps introducing new features to make the user experience fun. WhatsApp is such a feature that if you use it, your travel or party plans will never be canceled. WhatsApp Create Event feature is very useful for people who plan a party or a trip but forget when the time comes.

WhatsApp functionality is very useful
This WhatsApp feature can be used in groups. It often happens that many friends plan to travel or party together. But when the time comes, there are friends who cancel the plan under the pretext of forgetting, but WhatsApp has made a good arrangement for this. You can book an event date for a special occasion and pin it to the group. This will eliminate the hassle of memorizing. No friend will be able to cancel the plan by citing the excuse of forgetting.

How to create an event?
Step 1- Open WhatsApp on your mobile.
Step 2- Open the group chat. Next, tap the attachment icon on Android.
Step 3- Tap on Event.
Step 4- Enter the event name, date and time.
Step 5- You can also add event information, location or call link.
The limit for filling out event information is 2,048 words. Call links can be added to the event up to 1 year in advance.
Step 6- Tap on the send icon or save option.

How to edit a WhatsApp group event?
Open the group chat and click on the group name.
Tap the event and select the edit option.
Select Edit Event.
Make changes and tap the Save icon or Share icon.

keep these things in mind
Only one user can host a group event.
Once an event is created, other group members can react and respond to it.
Event links cannot be shared with people who are not part of the group.
Only the event creator can cancel or modify the event.

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