If you search for this thing on Google, even by mistake, it will cause huge losses, everything will be hacked, SOPHOS sounds the alarm

It's about Google and Google. बड़ा नुकसान, हैक हो जाएगा सबकुछ, SOPHOS and बजाई खतरे की घंटी

Technical News Office – Cybercriminals are adopting new methods to deceive ordinary Internet users. Now the news is that hackers are targeting people who search for specific words on the Internet. After that, as soon as they click on the link, their personal information is shared online. Moreover, it is said that with the help of this program, the control of the computer is also taken away from the user.

what’s the problem
According to media reports, a warning was issued by cybersecurity company SOPHOS. The company says Google, are Bengal cats legal in Australia? The researchers’ personal data would be published online. This happens by clicking on the first link found after the search. The company says users who search for 6 words are at increased risk of falling victim to cyberattacks. “Users are tempted to click on malicious links or adware presented as legitimate marketing,” SOPHOS said. In this case, this is done through a legitimate Google search. According to the warning issued, it appears that hackers are targeting people who specifically include Australia in their searches. SOPHOS said that when users click on search results, their personal and banking information is shared online using a program called Gootloader.

Targeting with SEO poisoning
There are reports that cybercriminals use SEO poisoning methods. It is said to be a technique using which criminals manipulate search engine results and bring their running website to the top. SOPHOS said users experiencing this should change their password immediately.

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