Technical News Office,If you use WhatsApp, you may like this tip very much. Almost everyone would know how to record a normal call. But if it comes to recording WhatsApp calls, you wonder. However, nowadays people only call on WhatsApp due to network issues or because the call is not recorded. But you will be surprised to know that you can also record WhatsApp calls easily. Here we will tell you a tip and the names of some applications through which you can easily record WhatsApp calls.
WhatsApp Call Recording Tip
You can try this trick to record WhatsApp call, whenever you want to record WhatsApp call, enable screen recording of your phone, select media and mic option while screen recording. With this, WhatsApp calls will also be saved on your phone. But the other person’s voice may not be as clear, but it can still be useful for your basic usage.
whatsapp call recording
In fact, WhatsApp continues to work on new updates every day for the convenience of its customers. This always brings new features. But Meta is yet to introduce WhatsApp call recording feature on WhatsApp. In such a situation, there is no official feature to record calls on WhatsApp. But you can still do it, you can record WhatsApp calls but through third-party apps. These apps allow you to record WhatsApp calls.
Call recorder app will help you
Cube ACR app is a popular app, it can record WhatsApp calls along with your normal calls. Apart from this, it can also record other VIP calls. You can install this app from Google Play Story and Apple App Store. It has got 4.0 stars on Google Play Store, while more than 1 million people have downloaded this app. Salestrail app is also a premium call recording app. This app can also record your calls. This app has a 3.5 rating on Google Play Store, while more than 50,000 people have downloaded it from the platform ACR Call Recorder is an automatic call recording app. You need to activate it once in the phone, after which all your calls are recorded. Its user interface is also simple. It has a rating of 3.9 on Google Play Store, while more than a million people have downloaded it.
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