Technical News Office,Nowadays smartphone has become necessary for everyone and we all like to keep it with a full battery but it becomes a headache when the phone needs to be charged again and again. We don’t use the phone much, but its battery drains even without use. If something like this also happens in your home and the phone battery drains quickly, it is better that you let it run for a long time without using it. You have to adopt the smartphone trick to operate under load. Let us know about these 5 smartphone tips and tricks that will extend your phone’s battery life and help you avoid the hassle of frequent charging.
Use battery saving mode
Mobile phones have a battery saver mode to extend battery life. By turning it on, you can extend the battery life of your phone. You can find this mode in the phone’s notification bar. If you want, you can also see this mode in the settings. Thanks to the battery saving mode, unnecessary battery consumption is avoided.
Use dark mode
To save phone battery, it is important to reduce the screen brightness. If you want, you can also control the screen brightness using dark mode. As a result, the phone’s battery is also used less. You can use it with battery saving mode. On some smartphones, this mode starts as soon as the battery saver is activated, which reduces battery consumption.
Turn off vibration
You may not know this but it is true that the vibration mode of the phone also consumes more battery. If you remove the phone from the ring and put it on vibration mode, it uses more battery. It also puts more strain on the battery, which can sometimes cause the phone to heat up. Therefore, turn off vibration mode on your phone.
Disable unnecessary apps
Turn off apps you don’t use much. This will reduce the strain on the phone battery and your phone battery will last longer. Besides disabling unnecessary apps, also keep in mind that no apps are running in the background on your phone. If any applications are running, close them immediately. Battery consumption can also be reduced in this way.
Update apps and software
The phone must always be kept up to date. Apart from that, keep all apps and software updated. Many times the battery consumption is higher due to the phone not being updated. If the phone stays up to date, there will be less strain on the battery and your phone will be able to run without charging for a long time.
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