Technical News Desk- Just Corsica has launched several of its products in the Indian market. The company’s list of new products includes the Sound Shake Pro Soundbar JST618, Skyvolt Power Bank JST514, Sprint Pro Smartwatch JST716, and Sprint Smartwatch JST710. The company launched the Sprint Pro Smartwatch, which resembles the Galaxy Watch Ultra in looks and design. However, the Corsica watch is cheaper than the Samsung watch by around Rs 50,000. Let us know about these products in detail.
watch like the Galaxy Watch Ultra
Just Corsica has launched a smartwatch named Sprint Pro Smartwatch JST716. In this smartwatch, you will get a 1.43-inch AMOLED display. Additionally, for health and fitness, you get a heart rate monitoring system and SpO2 sensor along with plenty of sports modes. Apart from this, Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity is available in this watch. Also comes with an IP68 water resistance rating. Speaking of its looks, its look is exactly like the Galaxy Watch Ultra. Even color option is available. The price of this smartwatch is Rs 10,999.
This smart watch was also launched
Apart from this, the company has also launched the Sprint Smartwatch JST710. In this, you get heart rate monitoring, LED display and XOFIT app in the watch for health management. The company has kept the price of this smartwatch at Rs 4,990. If you are interested in purchasing this smartwatch, you can visit the company’s leading retail stores and online platforms.
Will compete with Realme Watch S2
This watch from Realme is not only a smart watch but also your personal assistant. This smartwatch supporting ChatGPT 3.5 comes with Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity. It comes with AI-based health tracking features. The price of this smartwatch on Flipkart is Rs 4,999.
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