Technical News Office – Indian brand Lava has launched new headphones. Their name is Lava Probuds T24, which has 10mm drivers. The Probuds T24’s quad mic features ambient noise cancellation technology. This is claimed to improve call quality. The Probuds T24, with a dual-tone design, can be used for 45 hours once fully charged. They can be used for 150 minutes by charging for just 10 minutes.
Lava Probuds T24 services and prices in India
Lava Probuds T24 has been launched in Herb Green, Venom Black, Dope Blue, Trippy Macaw and Snake White colors. It is available on the Lava website for Rs 1,299 and will also be available in major retail markets from December 6.
Features, specifications of the Lava Probuds T24
Lava Probuds T24 was presented in a two-tone design. They feature 10mm drivers and high bass polyurethane diaphragm drivers. Lava Probuds T24 supports Bluetooth v5.4 connectivity. These have touch controls. Ultra-low latency is available, which is useful during gaming. Another feature available in the micro quad is support for ambient noise cancellation. This will allow the other person to hear a clear voice during the call.
The Lava Probuds are powered by a 470mAh battery with a total playback time of up to 45 hours. They support fast charging and can be used for 120 minutes by charging only 10 minutes. Lava has already introduced headphones in the ProBuds series. The new model doesn’t have the dedicated noise-canceling support that people expect from headphones these days.
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