Mukesh Ambani gave a gift to millions of Jio users, now DND service will stop spam calls, do you know how to start it?

Jio के करोड़ों यूजर्स को दिया This is a DND project. जाने कैसे करे चालू?

Technical News Office – Nowadays, spam calls and text messages have troubled millions of users. Even though artificial intelligence and machine learning technology has become very advanced, cybercriminals use them to send you unwanted calls and text messages. Technology like Robocall is a good example, but recently Mukesh Ambani’s Jio launched a special feature to block such calls. Let us know…

How to block spam calls and SMS?

If you are using the Jio network, you can easily block these unwanted calls and messages through the MyJio app, but it does not block important messages from brands like OTP and updates, while it blocks unwanted calls. It gives you the ability to block unwanted calls. and SMS, but you can completely block all unwanted calls and SMS or choose the blocking option to only allow certain calls.

Start the MDN service
To block unwanted calls and messages on the Jio network, you need to enable Do Not Disturb (DND) service. Note, however, that this service can also block certain telemarketing calls. It is also quite simple to customize the DND service. You can choose which categories of calls and messages to block, such as: Banking, Real Estate, Education, Health, Tourism and others. Even if you choose the full blocking option, you will continue to receive transaction-related calls and text messages from your service provider and government agencies.

How to configure the MDN service?
1. To do this, first open the MyJio app.
2. After that, go to More option.
3. Now click on Do Not Disturb option.
4. Enable full blocking and blocking of promotional communications.
5. After that, customize it as per your requirement.

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