Now no one will be able to violate the security of phones and laptops, Quick Heal presented the new AntiFraud.AI, know how it works

अब फोन और लैपटॉप की सुरक्षा में कोई नहीं लगा पा एगा सेंध, Quick Heal and AntiFraud.AI, कैसे करता है ाम

Technical News Office –With the expansion of the digital world, online fraud is also increasing rapidly. According to a report by the Indian Cyber ​​Crime Coordination Center, Indians were defrauded of around Rs 1,750 crore between January and April 2024. At the same time, over 740,000 complaints were registered on the national cybercrime reporting portal. cybercrime. Quick Heal launches AntiFraud.AI for cybersecurity and fraud prevention. The company claims that this all-in-one fraud prevention can be very effective in protecting against the ever-increasing threats of financial fraud.

How Antifraud.AI will protect against fraud
The company claims that cyber fraud can be reduced using AntiFraud.AI. Better solutions must also be offered to prevent fraud. The company also explained how AntiFraud.AI can work with the help of technology.

1. Evaluate the risk profile of users and give necessary suggestions to avoid fraud.
2. Scam Call Alert i.e. alert about suspicious calls.
3. Sending tips and alerts to avoid fraud with the help of Fraud Protect Buddy.
4. With the help of Fraud App Detector, continuously monitor for malware or apps that may create threads on the user’s device.
5. Secure payments, i.e. helping to secure online transactions.
6. Alert if your device’s microphone or camera is activated without your knowledge.

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The company claims to issue alerts to prevent possible misuse of your sensitive information through dark web monitoring. Additionally, under Call Forwarding Alerts, it also notifies you if your calls are forwarded without your permission.

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