Now you can easily delete entire search history from incognito mode, know the complete step by step process here.

Private browsing mode is private browsing mode. री, यहां जानिए स्टेप बाय स्टेप पूरा प्रोसेस

Technical News Office – Incognito mode (or private browsing) is used to hide information such as browsing history, cookies and cache. It is mainly designed to prevent tracking and protect private information. When this mode is used, the browser does not keep any records of any website. Although activities performed in incognito mode can be tracked in some way, they should be used with caution given the limitations of privacy.

via router logs
If a router is installed on a network, router logs can be used to find out which websites have been visited on the network. To visit the router, enter its IP address into a web browser, then log in and check the network logs. It can track website visits, although you’ll need a more authenticated setup to know that this information belongs to a specific person.

Check DNS cache
The DNS cache is a place where a record of recently visited websites is saved on your computer. To see this, open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac) and enter the command “ipconfig /displaydns”. This will give you details of recently visited websites, even if they were viewed in incognito mode.

Use parental control software
Some parental control software like Net Nanny or Kaspersky Safe Kids can also track browsing done in private browsing mode. This software runs in the background and keeps track of all browsing activities, which can be useful to parents or administrators.

Google account activity
If a person is signed in to their Google account, their activity may be recorded in Google Activity, even if they are browsing in Incognito mode. By going to Google Activity, you can see the list of websites saved in your Google account. By doing this, you can also know a person’s incognito browsing history.

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