Mobile press office – Techno has launched the Phantom V2 series in the Indian market. Two new smartphones Phantom V Fold 2 and Phantom V Flip 2 have been launched. As their name suggests, these are foldable smartphones. The Flip 2 is priced under Rs 40,000, while Tecno’s new Fold has been launched for less than Rs 1 lakh. It is claimed that the Aircell battery technology used has helped make the phone lighter. The main screen of the Phantom V Fold 2 measures 7.85 inches, while there is another 6.42 inch screen on the outside. The Phantom V Flip 2 has a 6.9-inch main screen and a 3.64-inch cover screen. Techno Phantom V2 Series Price The Techno Phantom V Flip 2 is priced at Rs 34,999. The Phantom V Fold 2 is priced at Rs 79,999. These will be sold on Amazon starting December 13 .
TECNO Phantom V Fold 2 5G Features and Specifications
The PHANTOM V Fold 2 5G features a 7.85-inch LTPO AMOLED display with a resolution of 2296 x 2000 pixels. It gives a refresh rate of 120 Hz. On the outside, we find a 6.42-inch FHD+ screen. Its refresh rate is 120 Hz. The PHANTOM V Fold 2 5G is powered by MediaTek’s Dimensity 9000+ processor. It has 12 GB of RAM. 512 GB of internal storage is available.
The phone has a 50 MP primary camera with OIS support. The 50MP portrait lens has 2x optical zoom and 20x digital zoom. Apart from this, there is a 50 MP ultra-wide lens. There are two 32MP cameras on the front. The new Techno phone runs on the latest Android 14. It has a 5,750mAh battery, which supports 70W ultra charging and 15W wireless charging. The phone comes in Crust Green colors and undulating blue.
Techno Phantom V Flip2 5G Features and Specifications
The Phantom V Flip2 5G has a 6.9-inch display with a resolution of 1080 x 2640 pixels. There is a 3.64-inch display on the outside. The phone is powered by MediaTek’s Dimension 8020 processor. There is 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal storage. The Phantom V Flip 2 5G has a 50 MP main camera and a 50 MP ultra-wide camera. The front camera is 32 MP. The phone comes with Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth v5.3 connectivity. The weight of the phone is 196 grams. It has a 4,720mAh battery, which supports 70W ultra charging. This phone also comes in two colors.
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