These 3 mistakes will ruin your smartphone, be careful if you also make this mistake

3 गलतियां को बना देंगी डिब्बा, ध्यान दे कहीं आप भी तो नहीं कर रहे ये भूल

Technical News Office – Nowadays, you will see smartphones in the hands of everyone, from children to elderly people. This device has become an important part of our lives. Today, many things are done via phones in a matter of minutes. From making a purchase or sending money to someone, to calling live TV and sending text messages, this device can do many things, but do you know that some mistakes can make your device expensive a box. Yes, that’s absolutely right, because if you’re doing something like that with your phone, stop now. Let’s know…

Remember these 3 things
take a selfie in the water

Nowadays, people put their gear in the water to look cool on reels and social media. Some consider your phone waterproof and join the swimming pool and start recording selfies and videos underwater, but we tell you that your mistake can cause a lot of damage to the phone. Taking your smartphone into the water can be very dangerous. Many parts can be seriously damaged, including the motherboard screen. Do not do this if the device has an IP68 or IP69 water resistance rating.

charge the phone at the wrong time
Some people use the phone until their battery is completely drained, but experts say that this can be very bad for your phone and in the long run it can damage the device’s battery. The reason may turn out to be bad. . can be done. Smartphone maker Apple says it never lets your device’s battery drop below 20%. If you discharge the battery daily, the phone battery may drain very quickly.

Poor tempered glass and cheap phone cases
Some people in the process of saving money are temporarily offered poor quality glass. These temporary glasses do not protect the phone and when launched, they also damage the touchscreen of the phone. While some cheap phone cases cause scratches on the phone, instead of protecting it.

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