WhatsApp users had a great time! Now this new draft messages feature won’t let your incomplete messages disappear, do you know how that works?

WhatsApp यूजर्स के हुएमजे! अब आपके अधूरे मेसेज गायब नहीं होने देगा ये नया Draft messages फीचर, जाने कैसे करता है काम?

Technical News Office – WhatsApp has introduced a new feature through which you can save incomplete messages. Now if you write a message and leave it halfway, it will be saved. Later you can complete it and send it. This feature works on iOS and Android phones. Now, every time you start writing a message and leave it in the middle, it will be saved to “Draft”. You can complete it and send it later. This feature will prevent you from forgetting incomplete messages.

It often happens that we begin to write a message, but other work gets in the way and the message remains incomplete. WhatsApp has introduced the “Message Draft” feature to solve this problem. This feature saves incomplete messages so you can complete them later.

Can complete incomplete messages
Many people use WhatsApp for work and personal conversations. This new feature is very useful for these people. It often happens that we start to write a message, but something else gets in the way and the message remains incomplete. With the draft feature, you can easily find and complete those incomplete messages.

WhatsApp is constantly bringing new features to users. Recently, they introduced the draft message feature, which will make it easier for users to draft messages. Even before this, WhatsApp brought many new features, such as the disappearing messages feature and the feature of running WhatsApp on multiple devices from the same number. All this shows that WhatsApp understands user needs and continues to bring new features to them.

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